Meet the Family

About the Winters

Shawn has been married to Becky for 31 years, and they have four adult children, two daughters-in-law and one new granddaughter! Together, he and Becky love hanging out with their children, finding new trails to hike, hosting wood-fired pizza parties and taking long road trips. In fact, they have traveled to every state in the US, nine Canadian provinces and 20 countries around the world.

Shawn has recently taken up woodworking, loves to run and is always willing to dive into another home project. He and Becky also watch every Kansas Jayhawks basketball game they can! Shawn and Becky are avid readers, and Becky has worked as the librarian/library teacher at a K-8 Christian school for 11 years. She jokes that she has probably read thousands of children’s books! Becky’s interest in trying out new bread and pastry recipes has transformed their breakfast menu. To offset this, she and Shawn take lots of walks together. They are enjoying this stage of life, particularly when they get to see their children, who currently live in Indiana, Colorado and Minnesota.

Shawn enjoys preaching and seeing people discover how relevant the Bible is to real life. He has a heart for helping people grow close to God and enjoys the opportunities and challenges of leadership. He is always learning and finding ways to grow. He loves connecting with people in the church and community, and he is deeply committed to introducing people to Jesus. He and Becky marvel at what God is doing around the world and have always had a commitment to support and visit global partners.

Shawn’s Faith Story

I placed my trust in Jesus at a young age following a Gospel presentation at church given by my father, who was also my pastor. Growing up in a Christian home was a gift and key to my early growth and faith. My family lived in the Spokane, WA, area and later in Colorado Springs, CO. Through multiple family moves and relocations, I learned to trust in God’s care for me during difficult transitions.

My faith grew significantly in college at Biola University as I grew in my understanding of who God is and the need to surrender every aspect of life to God. Marriage and parenting have created many opportunities to grow and trust in God. When Becky was diagnosed with cancer and throughout her successful treatment, Becky and I saw God’s faithfulness and care in countless ways. Throughout my life, I have learned of my need to seek God and rest in Him. I continue to see the blessing and benefits of prayer and find great joy in studying God’s Word. The knowledge of God’s presence and providential care brings supernatural peace and hope. Proverbs 3:5-6 are favorite verses of mine, “Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will direct your paths.”

Call to Ministry

Early in my college years, I studied business and considered law school. But God began to stir a call to ministry that surprised me. It wasn’t until after college, when I was working and traveling with a youth organization, that I felt a strong desire to be part of a local church and shepherd people. This was affirmed by Becky (my fiancée at the time), mentors, family and friends. I enrolled in Bethel Seminary and began an internship at Wooddale Church, which confirmed my call to ministry.

Faith Alignment

I have read and wholly agree with the Walnut Hill Community Church belief statement and I think that it is a great summary of the foundation of our faith. In my interactions with leaders and in listening to stories, I have grown to admire that strong faith and practical whole life ministry of Walnut Hill Community Church.

  • I fully support and preach that the Bible is inerrant, fully inspired and without error in the original manuscripts (2 Timothy 3:16, Joshua 1:8). It is the guide for faith and practice.

  • I believe in the Trinity, God the Father, Jesus Christ the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

  • I believe that God is to be honored above all human efforts and persons (Psalm 145).

  • I believe that salvation is through Christ alone, through grace alone, by faith alone (Ephesians 2:8-9).

  • I believe that the Holy Spirit fills all who believe and has an ongoing ministry in the lives of believers of teaching, reminding, filling and gifting (John 15, 16).

  • I believe that we all have a sin nature and have sinned, and all have fallen short of the glory of God. The ground at the foot of the cross is level. Each of us needs the cross of Jesus every day.

  • I believe, preach, teach and encourage all that God’s grace abounds (Romans 8:1).

  • I believe that the church is not perfect, but that it is God’s plan for redemption and hope for the world. God loves the church.

  • I believe that God loves those in our community who do not yet know Him, and God has called us to go and make disciples of all nations (Matthew 28:19-20).

Just For Fun

What's something on your bucket list?

To make a rocking chair by hand.

What's the best piece of advice you've ever received?

“Never be afraid to trust an unknown future to a known God.” — Corrie Ten Boom

What's the craziest food you've ever tried?

Fried (and salted) ants in the Amazon Jungle of Ecuador.